This is my friend Katie. :) Last Sunday we went to downtown Wheaton, and did a photo shoot. It was so much fun and Katie is a perfect model!! I barely had to tell her what to do because she is just that awesome! :)
Here are the rest of the pictures and I hope you all enjoy them!
This is probably my favorite!!!! She is soooooooo beautiful!!
A sneak peek from a photo shoot I did with a friend yesterday!!! She is such a natural in front of the camera, and I have had so much fun looking through her pictures. :)
Katie, you are amazingly gorgeous!!! Love you!! More pictures to come soon! :D
Finally posting!!!! I'm really sorry I've stayed away so long!! :( These are some pictures I took a couple months ago at a farm. It was still winter then, but now it's beginning to look a lot like.....Spring!!!!!!!! I love snow and winter, but I love Spring as well, and I've been sooooo happy to see little buds sprouting and beginning to bloom!! Sooooo here are some wintery pictures!! :)
Clam shells.
Isn't this little guy adorable? :)
"Consider it pure joy, my brothers, whenever you face trials of many kinds, because you know that the testing of your faith develops perseverance. Perseverance must finish its work so that you may be mature and complete, not lacking anything."