So here are his birthday pictures. Enjoy!! :)

When we were leaving my dad felt the Lord telling him to go pray with these people who'd obviously lost their babies recently, because of where the gravstones were placed. My mom and dad were able to talk to them (there is a lady behind my dad) and they prayed with them. The guy and lady weren't related and they each had lost a little baby boy. It was so neat to see them praying together. Just in case you don't know my parents, my dad is on the far left, and my mom is right next to him with the puffy coat. The lady even showed my mom and dad the picture of her little boy, he lived for about nine days, and the man's baby lived for about 15 days.
This photo was actually for a photography assignment. It was really fun. She was making "soup" in the flower pot, and I guess it must have not tasted very good, because here she is dumping it out. : ) Enjoy!