This is my little sister Cassia. She turned 7 on Sunday Nov. 1st and she was soooo excited! When we got to church she went around telling everyone that "it was her birthday"!!! She is a bunch of fun and has a very outgoing personality (the opposite of me) :). She is a lot like my mom in that they both love talking and are very outgoing. She has a lovely singing voice as well, and during all hours of the day you'll hear a voice bursting into song. My mom says she has a broadway voice.
She is in children's choir and hopefully she will be in dance class again this year. Sometimes when there is music on in the kitchen, and I'm dancing, she'll join me. : ) She is a beautiful dancer as well. (even though she doesn't have any idea what she is doing) : ) She is a wonderful sister and God gave her to our family and she is a blessing. Of course, we aren't all perfect so we do have our moments, but for the most part she is a very sweet, and caring little girl. I love you Cassia!!!
Here are some pictures from a little photo shoot I did with her.

She lost her first tooth!!! :):):)

I really really like this one!!!

Twirlin' around

My mom has been practicing a song on the piano from an opera, because she is going to accompany someone. Cassia loves to sing it even though she doesn't know the words. :)

Not quite sure about this one. :P

She has an awesome laugh. : )
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