This picture above is our eating area in the kitchen, and down below is the other side. It is a pretty big kitchen and we are a little sad to leave it. ;) Please exuse the mess!!
Here's the fireplace...
just a different view :)
So basically in these past four to five weeks we have been working on this project, besides starting school last week, and many other things that are going on. I might as well tell you why we are fixing up the house. The third week of July approx. my parents really felt the Lord leading us to sell our house. It's been difficult lately in terms of finances because my dad recently started his own business, so they sensed the Lord telling them that it was time to move on. The story is too long to put on here, but basically since we decided to sell the house, the Lord has been confirming our decision and has been blessing my dad's business as well as in other ways. Although we're all a bit sad to leave friends here, we are all pretty excited for what the Lord has planned for our family in the coming years. In the next few posts I will update you on more details as to where we are moving (and of course more pictures), but for now this post is getting a little long. :)
God Bless!!!
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