Thursday, December 3, 2009

My Awesome Bro Jon!!!

This is Jon. He is pretty much amazing!! I am so glad he is my brother, and although this is really late, this is sort of a post for his birthday. He turned 14 on Nov. 15th!!! I can't believe it! He is a really outgoing, friendly guy. He has quite a good sense of humor and is a stunt man. His nickname in the past, has been "Wipe out". I don't have very much time to write, but I just wanted to say that I love this guy, and I am praying that he follows Jesus all his life and makes Christ the center of his life. One more quick thing, Jon has been worried because Matt, the 15 yr old, grew like 5 inches this year and Jon is hoping that he will grow because Tim, who is younger than him, is the same height!! Jon, don't you worry, Phil is 6 ft, and Matt is catching up really fast, and I know you will grow too!!! Just wait!!
So here are his birthday pictures. Enjoy!! :)

Saturday, November 21, 2009

Random Happenings

Gabi eating her fried apples! :)

:) Someone stole some of her apples, I guess.
The boys have been playing with legos a lot lately so here's something that they built. :) They said it wasn't completely finished yet.

We are learnig caligraphy right now and here's the ink bottles that we dip the pens into.

Cassia playing around on the piano. Right now she's just playing by ear, but hopefully next year I can start teaching her. At least the beginning few levels.

Anna's Birthday Yesterday

Ok, I hope you don't think these pictures are weird. I just wanted to get a picture of her gravestone, because it is really pretty. I love the line that is on the bottom. It is from one of Fanny Crosby's hymns, "Safe in the Arms of Jesus". Anna truly is safe in the arms of Jesus, and I know that someday I'll see her again. I was able to see her when she was a couple days old, and I was only 7 yrs old. She only lived for about 16 days. I don't really remember much about how I felt about it, but my mom said that she had to pick me up from ballet class because I was crying. I always wonder what it would be like to have a sister closer in age. She would be 11 yrs old yesterday!! Wow!

I wanted to get some pictures of the beautiful flowers. We go to her grave every year around her birthday and we always bring flowers so each one of us can put one on.

When we were leaving my dad felt the Lord telling him to go pray with these people who'd obviously lost their babies recently, because of where the gravstones were placed. My mom and dad were able to talk to them (there is a lady behind my dad) and they prayed with them. The guy and lady weren't related and they each had lost a little baby boy. It was so neat to see them praying together. Just in case you don't know my parents, my dad is on the far left, and my mom is right next to him with the puffy coat. The lady even showed my mom and dad the picture of her little boy, he lived for about nine days, and the man's baby lived for about 15 days.

Thursday, November 5, 2009


This is my little sister Cassia. She turned 7 on Sunday Nov. 1st and she was soooo excited! When we got to church she went around telling everyone that "it was her birthday"!!! She is a bunch of fun and has a very outgoing personality (the opposite of me) :). She is a lot like my mom in that they both love talking and are very outgoing. She has a lovely singing voice as well, and during all hours of the day you'll hear a voice bursting into song. My mom says she has a broadway voice.
She is in children's choir and hopefully she will be in dance class again this year. Sometimes when there is music on in the kitchen, and I'm dancing, she'll join me. : ) She is a beautiful dancer as well. (even though she doesn't have any idea what she is doing) : ) She is a wonderful sister and God gave her to our family and she is a blessing. Of course, we aren't all perfect so we do have our moments, but for the most part she is a very sweet, and caring little girl. I love you Cassia!!!

Here are some pictures from a little photo shoot I did with her.

She lost her first tooth!!! :):):)

I really really like this one!!!

Twirlin' around

My mom has been practicing a song on the piano from an opera, because she is going to accompany someone. Cassia loves to sing it even though she doesn't know the words. :)

Not quite sure about this one. :P

She has an awesome laugh. : )

Rakin' leaves.

Sunday, November 1, 2009

Sneak Peak!

Here is a sneak peak of some pictures I took of Cassia today! Today was her 7th birthday!!!!! She is so much fun and I don't know what I'd do without her. [even though she gets on my nerves sometimes :)] Cassia, may God bless you through this year, and help you to grow in Him. I love you so much Cassia Elisabeth!!!!

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Thursday, October 22, 2009

Photography Business!!

SOooo. I finally came up with a name for my photography business. It is "Danielle Trista Photography". The Trista sounds like "treestu", just in case you were wondering. Most people when they see it they say, " trysta"? The "i", when they pronounce it, sounds like a the "i" in snicker. brother and I are working on my new website, so in a couple of months I will put a link so you can view it. : ) I will also have a new blog which will be linked to my website. Oh i'm sooo excited!! Okay gotta go to bed now!!

Farewell 'till next post,


Alright, a blog post sometimes is boring without any pictures, right?

These are a few pics of my little sisters. This one right here is pretty funny because she was actuall cringing, because she saw a worm. : )

This photo was actually for a photography assignment. It was really fun. She was making "soup" in the flower pot, and I guess it must have not tasted very good, because here she is dumping it out. : ) Enjoy!

The Wilson Kiddos

A few days ago I was able to do a photo shoot with our very good friends. I am still working on editing them, but here are a few of their kids. Aren't they sooo cute!! They were all so well behaved and their mom was a big help in getting them to smile. : ) She knew exactly what to do or say to get them to give me their adorable smiles. When I did shots of the whole family two of my younger brothers were there and did a fantastic job. I'll post some more when I get the chance. I have been soo busy the past couple of months, so that is the reason for lack of posting. I'm really sorry. : (

Saturday, October 10, 2009

I'm Back!!

Well, I'm back from Colorado! I was taking a photography training course, and here are some of the pictures from that beautiful state. The first pictures are from when we were working on flash photography. It was really neat to be able to get the lighting just how we wanted it and to arrange our subjects in a unique way. I learned so much while I was there and I am hoping to use the skills that I learned very soon. In fact I already have a few jobs lined up. I will post some portraits later.

These pictures are from the Garden of the Gods. It was so beautiful there!! God is such an awesome creator!!!!