Friday, February 26, 2010

Posting soon!!

Will be posting soon!!!!! :)

Here is a completely random picture that I thought I'd put because blog posts are always more interesting with pictures!! ;-)

Saturday, February 20, 2010

{Wedding Pictures}

Last summer we went to a friend's wedding, and of course I brought my camera!! :) These are just a few that I took. She's from a family of nine kids, and we've known them since I was born. They are a wonderful family!!!

Here are most of the bridesmaids. All of them are her sisters, except for the girl third from the left (although, I guess now she is her sister-in-law) :)
Then there are two more bridesmaids further to the right and one of them is her sister, and the other is her sister-in-law. Aren't they all such a gorgeous bunch!!!!! The girl on the far left is one of my best friends, and she is so gorgeous, and just a fun person to be around!

This is her adorable neice!!

These are her brothers, and just so y'all know, my mom took this one. ;)

I absolutely L.O.V.E.D her dress!!!!!


Aaaaand, to finish it off, here's one of them dancing. Aren't they just soooo cute?!!!

Friday, February 19, 2010


The other day, I decided to count how many outfits bitty bumpkins (one of my nicknames for Gabi) would change into before lunch. She only changed two times, which I was very surprised about. Usually we will walk by her one minute, and then the next time we see her she's in a different outfit!! My mom said I used to do that so maybe that's where she got it from. ;) Or maybe it's just that little girls like to play dress-up.
So here's bugaboo (another of my many nicknames for her) in the outfit that I gave her to put on, at the start of the day.
I don't know what it is about this picture, but I really like it.

Gabi and big bro Phil (otherwise known as Bobo, or Philly)

A VERY rare moment of stillness!!

Here's the second outfit. :-)
Don't worry!!!! We do not promote violence at our house!! Honest! We have five boys around the house so there are plenty of nerf guns lying around. ;-) I guess she gets it from them. There are a couple more, but since she was pointing the gun straight at the camera, I figured, I'd better not risk it.

Her third outfit before lunch, and here's big brother Jon helping put her headband back on.

You know, one would think that you should wear winter clothing in the winter, but this little person wears all sorts of combinations of things, and she doesn't seem to get cold at all!!! At least now she actually wears clothing!!!! When she was really little, she would be running around in a diaper when it was below freezing outside.

Eatin' a very large carrot!!

Oh, and don't worry. We make sure that she is properly dressed before we go anywhere or if we are having guests!!!! ;-)

Wednesday, February 17, 2010

An Inspirational Quote

This week has been pretty busy so I haven't had much time for posting. Here is an inspirational quote I found on the back of a magazine, which I thought was very good advice, so I cut it out and taped it up on my wall. :) This is definitely a good quote for me, because I need to learn how to use my time more wisely than I have been in the past. I tend to be a daydreamer and I have a brain full of ideas, which doesn't help me when I need to focus on certain subjects. ;)
This also reminds me of Ecclesiastes 3 where it says that there is a time for everything under the sun. There are specific times for doing various things, but you need to make sure that you are doing them at the right time. So, when it's time to study, write a paper, or work, that's no time to be staring into space, or thinking about putting a new post on my blog, etc.
Ok, well I'd bettter get going!!! Speaking of doing things at the right times!!! ;) Just joking, I really am using my time wisely at this moment. Don't worry!! Hopefully, I'll have more pictures to post soon. Nobody really wants to do photoshoots when it's below freezing! Although.....I do have a few pictures from a couple weeks ago, when I went for a walk in the early morning. (Maybe I'll post them in a few days) MMmmmm, I just LOVE early morning light. It's deliciously....hmm...I can't think of a word to describe it!!!! Let's see, how about, well I guess I can only think of DELICIOUS. If any of you have a word that you have to describe early morning sunlight, please share!! I seem to be lacking in my vocabulary at the moment.
I'm very sorry that this post is so long, and I hope you don't mind, since this is technically my photography blog. Hope you enjoy this quote as much as I did!!!!

Sunday, February 14, 2010

{Valentines Day}

Sooooooo, HAPPY VALENTINES DAY, EVERYBODY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Aaaaand, just because, here's a picture of your's truly. ;-) It's a little scary looking, but hey! This morning, I bundled up and went to try to take some pictures of the sunrise (which by the way did NOT turn out, way too many trees), so here is a picture of me all bundled up. In my brother's sweatshirt, and my mom's hat. :P
The rest are some pictures from the kids making valentines for their friends

So, I tried sprinkling hearts all over the piano and it sort of worked, but some of the hearts went down in between the keys. :( I sure hope they don't cause too much damage!

Here's bitty girl makin' some valentines too.

Stephen, and Cassia had made some really cute valentines for a couple of their neighborhood pals, and when they gave them out they were so excited. I was pretty disappointed to find out that the boys that they gave them to, were laughing at them, and saying "who cares about valentines"!!!!!! They had been so excited about it, and were being very thoughtful and then were made fun of. Well, I certainly think that valentines do matter, because they show that someone cares about you, especially homemade valentines!!!! I think I'm going to make them some cookies or go get them a special treat to make up for what happened! :)

Friday, February 12, 2010

Seek Ye First

Recently, I was reminded of this verse in Matthew. "Seek ye first the Kingdom of God, and all these things will be added unto you". Lately I have been caught up in the whirlwind of trying to finish everything up before I graduate this year, and it has been discouraging at certain points, as I have been behind in a few subjects.
As I read this verse, I realized that God is more interested in me seeking Him and being caught up in the things of Him, than He is in me learning about logarithms or knowing what "equilibrium position" or "uniform circular motion" are. Not that these things aren't important, but God calls us to seek Him before everything else.
See, I'm not a math and science type person, so those subjects don't come very easy for me, but I believe it is important to have that knowledge. I'd much rather be strengthening my skills in piano, learning the guitar, broadening my cooking abilities, creating things, and I could go on forever. However, God puts things in our lives so that we will grow in wisdom, and learn to depend on Him in all circumstances. As we seek Him, we will know more and more about what He wants for our lives, which will then help us to stay focused on what He has us doing right here and now.

Tuesday, February 9, 2010

My First Pictures

These pictures are the first ones that I took with my first camera, my Nikon D40. My mom and I had gone to the store and bought the camera earlier that day. As soon as I got home, I hurried to find the little ones find matching clothing and then we went in the backyard and took lots of pictures. :)

These ones of Stevie are from last spring I think.

After about 5 minutes of shooting, "Can we PLEASE be done now?!"

Oops, sorry about the mixed up order of photos, now these are back to the first time.

Somebody's excited!!!